Troubleshooting Guide - Operating Issue

Our apologies if you've been redirected here after sending an email or calling us but the quickest way to get you the support you need with the assurance that your issue will be tracked through to your satisfaction is to get your issue directly into our ticketing system with all the information we need. Use this guide to identify your specific issue and we'll tell you exactly what we need to know for entering your ticket.

Is something impacting the operation of the myTop? Is it not working? or is making strange noises?

Please use the guide below to identify your issue and see the pictures we need to receive to best evaluate your issue if a ticket is required, and enter your ticket if needed.

Check the box once if that's not your issue and twice if it is.

You do not need to go in order if you already know the issue.

Are you having trouble with your top:

Advanced Troubleshooting Checklist - These steps are best performed by your myTop Installer
Basic Troubleshooting Checklist
Advanced Troubleshooting Checklist - These steps are best performed by your myTop Installer
Advanced Troubleshooting Checklist - These steps are best performed by your myTop Installer
Operating top in this manner will tear apart the frame and fabric. Do not operate whatsoever.
Please enter ticket below.